At its 2016 meeting in Warsaw, the Governing Board approved a new strategy for the organisation. The CEDR Strategy comprises the Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals.


Mission Statement

“CEDR is an organisation of European national road administrations that promotes Excellence in the Management of Roads”

Vision Statement

CEDR consolidates its position as the platform for Road Directors and National Road Administrations that facilitates, reliably and effectively:

  • Benchmarking and sharing of knowledge and best practices,
  • Collaborations and sharing of resources in joint projects,
  • Professional networking and competence building.

Strategic Goals

  • Help NRAs to keep ahead of the curve, anticipate future trends and prepare them to face new challenges,
  • Reinforce NRAs role as key providers of efficient and seamless mobility from an end user perspective within the transport system,
  • Facilitate and optimise the efficient use of resources, making the best use of existing infrastructures,
  • Improve the safety and sustainability of roads, and reduce their environmental impact and carbon footprint.

Read the full CEDR Strategy: Overview 2022-2023
