The overall aim of this programme is to investigate how Intelligent Access (IA) could help NRAs to optimize the use of infrastructure capacities and contribute to more environmentally sustainable road transport of freight.

The principal output of this Research Call is the identification of scenarios where IA could be applied to the management of cross-border road transport of goods. Opportunities and challenges, primarily for road authorities but also other stakeholders, should be explored. Guidelines for the implementation of IA at national level, for individual countries, are to be provided.

The call was lauched in November 2023 - CEDR Research Call 2023 is open!

Following an open Call, the Programme Executive Board subsequently selected the following project:

ISAC - Intelligent Surface Access Community

Project Partners: AECOM (UK, coordinator), Consenso (Sweden), TRT (Italy), KTH (Sweden), Alba Consulting (Ireland) and White Willow (UK).

